Friday, February 10, 2012

I am back and ready to help!

Dear Readers,
I am so sorry that I have been away.
I have been crazy busy with things in my life right now
but it is time for me to come back and help you!

Anything you want my opinion on, I am here to help!
I one hundred percent enjoy helping all of you.
It gives me a sense of satisfaction
and I hope you all take advantage of it...

If you don't remember from before,
if you want to ask me something just comment
the latest post and I will get back to you
with what I think!

Again I am very sorry I have been away



  1. How do I ask a question? Through a comment? You should have something by your other links telling us. Because I have a question.

  2. is anonymous. That is good. Well I am from a small town near Salt Lake City, Utah. I moved here four years ago when I was 18 in hopes of pursuing my dreams. I was converted to the mormon church and without further explanation, I believe it is true. I hope you don't judge my religion because it is actually a very hot topic right now. I met the man of my dreams and have been dating him for 1.5 years.... but he doesn't believe the same thing I do when it comes to religion. My question is: How much do you feel religion is important in a marriage or relationship?

    Thanks Truth Be Told!

    I love your blog.
