Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is religion important??

Question was....
Oh..it is anonymous. That is good. Well I am from a small town near Salt Lake City, Utah. I moved here four years ago when I was 18 in hopes of pursuing my dreams. I was converted to the mormon church and without further explanation, I believe it is true. I hope you don't judge my religion because it is actually a very hot topic right now. I met the man of my dreams and have been dating him for 1.5 years.... but he doesn't believe the same thing I do when it comes to religion. My question is: How much do you feel religion is important in a marriage or relationship?

Thanks Truth Be Told!

I love your blog.
My thoughts...

Well thank you for saying you love my blog I really appreciate it! I am also a member of the mormon church and with knowing what our beliefs are I can see why it is such a concern for you.  Honestly in my opinion religion is everything... we believe in eternal marriage and we want someone who can take us to the temple to be sealed for time and all eternity.  I don't know how against he is about this religion or if he is open to the thought of learning more about it. I know love is a powerful thing and it makes us do things and accept things that we wouldn't normally do.  But I think that this is something you need to decide how important it is to you... you and I believe in eternity and I wouldn't be able to settle for anything less and you shouldn't either.  Try and get him to take lessons with you or get him in touch with some missionoaries.. he may come around. Show him how much joy and happiness the gospel brings you and how it can bring him the same thing... after you have tried all that then you can make the decision whether or not religion is a deal breaker for you, but if you are questioning it I can already tell it is a big deal for you.  Stick to your gut and pray! Everything will work out fine! Good luck!
Yours truely,
Truth be told


  1. Thank you. Sometimes it is hard to face the truth and build the courage but I am working on it. I have a popular clothing website online and I posted your blog on the links page. Don't be surprised if you get quite a few questions. Thanks for your help.

  2. I am so glad that I was able to help, even if it was just a little bit! Courage is a hard thing to have sometimes, but once you find it, it can bring you great happiness you never thought you could have!! :) But thank you for posting my blog on there! What is your clothing website? I would love to check it out!
