Sunday, November 14, 2010

Question was...
Truth Be Told,
I have been in love with my best friend for a long time now and I do not know how to tell her. I think she feels the same way but I'm scared she'll shut me down. What's a guy to do?

My Thoughts...
Just talk to her... Communication is such a big thing with someone.  Talking to her about the way you both feel mutually can clear up alot of the questions, I know that it can be really scary but if the opportunity arises for the convo to happen, TAKE IT, you deserve to know how she feels! Good luck! Let me know how it goes!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Alright, truth be told! I’m the “concerned one.” My boyfriend and I are very serious. However, his family and my family are completely opposite. IT doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but it really is!! It’s been rough because his family is so proper and my family is…not! We’re crazy. It’s so hard when some of my family thinks he’s “not good for me,” and some of his family thinks the same!! IT makes me SO SAD. We’ll get in fights about it and everything, and family is soo important to both of us. It causes fights, and it’s getting really frustrating considering some of his family doesn’t like me and some of my family doesn’t like him. It’s causing lots of stress ☹
    Thanks for your help!!
    -Concerned one
