Wednesday, August 21, 2013

To My Readers

Dear Readers,

I deeply apologize for the fact that I haven't posted, commented, or replied to any of you in over a year.  I don't have a good excuse, nor a reason why I have so selfishly neglected your questions.

In this crazy life that we are living their are always going to be hard times, trials, and struggles that we face, I personally have had quite a few of these lately.  However I won't let them get me down, nor will I let yours get you down.  My whole intent for creating this blog is to help others in need.  So many times we just need an outside perspective on how to handle situations, how to feel about circumstances, and how to answer our own questions.  That is what I want to be to you, my readers. 

So, lets join together and help one another conquer this crazy world, and change not only our views on our own personal hail storms, but learn how to enjoy the ride, because we can see the rainbow at the end of the tunnel.
We can learn from our trials,
be strengthened by our weakness,
 and allow our mistakes to be lessons.
Which path do you want to go down!?
Truth Be Told... YOU ASK, I ANSWER

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Finding our Happily Ever After!!

Question was: i dont think i will ever find love. im 27. i have my degree and even a house i have been paying off for 15 years. that sounds like something good a man can get into but why cant i get married? i know im not ugly and i go on a lot of dates but there is never a 2nd date

My thoughts... You know this is a question that many of us ask ourselves often.  How come everyone else is in a relationship? How come every one is married? What is wrong with me?  These are all questions that I have personally asked myself many times, but the truth is that there isn't really an answer to any of those.  Every single person has there own story and all of our endings are going to be different!
Think about your life as a book for a second... every book has a different number of pages right? Every book has a different beginning, middle, and end.  When reading a book it doesn't matter how many pages, chapters, or how long it takes to finish... it matters about the quality of the story and the impact it leaves on our lives after.  YOUR LIFE IS A BOOK! Stop worrying about how others stories are ending and wondering why your life hasn't gotten to the next chapter yet! You will get there, it just may take more time! Open your mind to the possibility of your story ending slightly different than you have imagined but just as great!! When you least expect it your pages will continue to turn and you will find your Happily Ever After! Your book too can be a fairytale! :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Question was...
hey there. i found ur blog on a site i do my shopping on. it seemed to jump out at me and i thank u for helping people like me find there way. well i have never admitted this but i guess i can because i dont really know u. but i recently moved to utah and everyone says that there are mormons that will drag u and make u be put into there religion. and i just shrugged my shoulders and got over it and then one of my friends invited me to the church and i actually really agree with everything. i dont know how much u know about religion but, do i go behind my familys back and do what i feel to be right? it is hard losing family and friends. it is hard losing everyone you ever loved but i have a good feeling when i go to this church and when i invite my family they just get really mad at me and i like a lot of things about this new church i am going to. help me out. what would you do if you were in the same situation?

thank you,
confused as heck, but on a constant spiritual high.

My Thoughts...
Honestly my first thought that came to my mind when I read this was that you need to do what you feel is right for your eternal progression.  Your family may not agree now, but they love you and once they see the joy and happiness that the gospel can bring to you they will most likely come around.  It may be extremely hard and make you doubt your decisions, but maybe this is your trial that you have to overcome! Be strong enough to stand up for what you believe in no matter what the outcome may be, because I can almost promise you that once you fully accept what your truely believe everything will work out as it should!! Have faith!!

With love,
Truth Be Told

Dating in the dark!!!

Question was...
i am in love with someone even tho we have never met. what happened was sumone kind of set us up and now we are going on a date but i am scared. how do i approach it? do i act like a cool guy? i guess i am just really scared or something

My Thoughts...
Love happens at crazy times when you least suspect it! Just go with it! Give it a shot! Don't put too much pressure on yourself and try not to be scared! Everyone these days are so worried about what other people think that they let opportunities pass them by because we are too scared to persue them! Don't let a possible happily ever after pass you by! Take a stand, be the man...Call her up and go out! What do you have to loose!??

Truth Be Told

P.S.  If it works out I want to hear about it!!! Email me at


Question was...
I have severe depression. I don't KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT.

My Thoughts...
I think that depression is something that takes time to overcome... You need to find something in your life that will make you happy again. Step back and do something for you.. 100% for you!! We find ourselves getting so wrapped up in life and the responsibilities that we have and we forget about ourselves at times.  Find time for you again! By doing this it will help remind you the great things in life! Don't compare yourself to others and what they have.  That is something that will always bring you down, because there will always be someone out there with more than you... with out fail there will be!! But remember at the exact same time that you are looking at someone else's life and wanting it, someone is probably looking at yours and thinking the same thing! Be grateful for what you do have and enjoy it while you can! You never know when it will be gone...
Now go out and do something for you!!!

Truth Be Told
Question was....
I am struggling with same sex attraction and I am a Mormon. I have been working hard and hard and I am even a return missionary. What do I do?
You know I would love to answer this for you... but this is something that you are going to have to talk to your bishop and the lord about. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Feeling sad and alone

Question was...
I found out after a long search that I have suppressed anger and I am currently letting it all out on the ones I love most. After talking about it, it helps. But I need some serious help. I don't know if you ever feel so lonely or sad or really down on yourself. But that's how I feel most of the time. How do I let that person go and finally grow to be the person I know I have inside?

My response...
For starters it is not uncommon to feel sad, alone, and hard on yourself... I think that is something that we all go through and that we all learn to cope with it in different ways..  I think that a good way to stop feeling alone and sad all the time is to do service.  Service is something you can do that reminds you what you have and what you need to be greatful for while all at the same time you are helping someone in greater need than you.  Oh what a humbling experience it can be!! I also think that just by purely focusing on what you do have can help sooo much! We tend to dwell on what others have that we don't and I think that the electronic media is making it worse.  We see the things that everyone else has and we assume that we need it too, but in all reality we all have different things that we need and things that are going to make us happy.  We just need to find out what those things are.  So I strongly encourage you to go serve others and while helping someone else you may realize and discover things about yourself that you never even knew about..... and it is possible that those things you may find, might be the KEY to your happiness!!!

I hope this helps...
Truth Be Told